Posts Tagged ‘Game’
Download Game – Heroes of Newerth
Saturday, May 29, 2010 17:07 584 CommentsIndie developer S2 Games of Savage fame have rather sneakily announced their third project via the wonders of social networking site Facebook, Heroes of Newerth. It’s a curious approach that is only afforded only by their indie status, but it’s certainly getting the job done as tens of thousands of fans have already been lured […]
Download Game – Cossack Back to War
Friday, May 7, 2010 11:47 1,470 CommentsCossacks hit everyone for six when it was released. Not only did it look as good as anything on the RTS scene, in gameplay terms it was in quite a bit ahead of the competition. Absolutely massive battles, were talking thousands not tens of units, were possible and looked spectacular.
Download Game – Supreme Commander 2
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 19:58 2,000 CommentsHold on tight, hardened Space Marines commanders. Get ready, strategic future wars. You will receive a new battle, the likes of which has not happened. This war will change your idea of the battles of the distant future. Lead countless armada of one of three unique factions and crush the enemy – in the most […]
Monday, March 15, 2010 13:34 1,787 CommentsAda empat kelas utama yang pemain dapat memilih dari ketika mereka menciptakan karakter baru: Warrior, Scout, Mage dan Priest. Setelah Anda telah mendapatkan pengalaman yang cukup, Anda akan dapat naik ke salah satu dari dua kelas khusus yang tersedia untuk kelas utama Anda.
Download Game – Grand Fantasia
Friday, March 12, 2010 22:01 528 CommentsGraphic : 8/10 Grafik dari Grand Fantasia sangat baik dan mulus. Berwarna dan menyenangkan. Karakter-karakternya digambarkan pas sesuai dengan proporsi tubuh seorang remaja dengan desain-desain monster yang mulus. Penggunaan Cel-shading di backgroung dan interiornya juga pas dan baik. Namun sayang kadang-kadang sebuah map terkesan sangat polos dan tidak inspiratif.